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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Social Groups and Their Media



The first social group that will be talked about is children. As is generally known, children are highly adaptable and innovative in their learning. This is why though we may reminisce of our simplistic childhood revolving around small things such as marbles, wooden yo-yo's and such things that are as far from technology as could be, it can hardly be denied that the sight of a three year old child poring over an ipad or a seven year old clinging to a game console is hardly a shocking sight anymore. Game consoles are a basic thing in a child's life as it serves nothing but entertainment and for an innocent worry-less chid what more could you want? Tablets such as ipads are also innovative enough for children to be able to easily manouver it without any hassle even if the first reason for inventing it may not have been for streaming Dora the Explorer.

Young Adults

Young adults, ranging from late teenagers to graduating college students especially in ever changing technology savvy environment are at the peak of their game. Anything that even suggests at being modern and the latest in technology is snapped up at a blinding rate. Mobile phones are frequently used of course as it serves as the main communication tool between each other whether for work or play. These are the ones that use the Internet media to its limit. The one who actually grew up along with the growing technology now had a very firm and confident hand on this media and knows very well how to use it and how to manipulate it. The latest and best gadgets is always craved and desired by this social group as it also gives the impression of the street cred that you have with this kind of possession. At this age things like the cool factor of these gadgets are still very much the top of the list priority.

White Collar

Since white collars spend a lot of their time in the office the main type of media that would be a necessity in most offices is a desktop computer or a laptop. Where things in the office are serious and mostly business related, this kind of media is the most suitable for this kind of environment. While in the old times things would have been recorded manually and on paper inside bulging cabinet files, now many company information are digitally stored for convenience and for space. The computers are also often wired and synchronized with each other so that content is controlled and maximised working environment is ensured. 


One of the few social groups that still rely very much on media that had been used for thousands of years. Paper and any coloured substance is the very tool that is used for the process of their work. Although digital painting is now a growing niche of the market, it still remains very much traditional in the way of the medium that is used to convey their messages across to the viewers of the particular paintings.


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