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Saturday, November 17, 2012

The definition of theatre in courtesy of Google is a building where theatrical performances or motion- picture shows can be presented. 

This can be an internationally known theatre house such as the likes of the Sydney Opera House or Broadway but can also include indie theatre houses that are abundant in the more underground scene. Depending on the theatre house itself, it could be a grand, complex performance hosting hundreds of people in the audience but it could also be with a much smaller audience, an intimate moment between the performers and the attendees. 

While the traditional theatre may not have much going on in terms of the types of media that they use, the more modern theatre manipulates many types of media to further put across their message to the audience. To start off, and this kind of method has been used ever since the first existence of theatre, is the most obvious, the actor’s voice. Performers are trained to project their voice so that it can be heard even by the furthest seating audience member and since the stereo system was nowhere in existence in the first times in theatre, this is a crucial first skill for stage perfomars. Of course now with the aid of the latest in technology stereo surround system, audiences get a whole new heightened theatre experience in terms of sound. Music of course is another part in theatre that is irreplaceable and every background sound is meticulously arranged to further expand the effect of sadness, happiness, excitement and whatever else that speaks to the heart.

Props are of course abundant in theatre performances. Whether small or big it plays a crucial role to the scene. Everything on stage is used to its whole entirety to contribute to the story. Props that are a few meters high are smoothly rolled in and out of scenes, all thanks to the hours of training and practice masterminded by the stage directors, technicians and many more people that most of the time are not even glimpsed by the audience, but with the absence of, the show will come to pieces. Projections are also frequently used, and now with smaller, more powerful computers that have become a lot more available to theatre houses, the use of it in theatre has increased magnificently. Lighting designers create these display media to inject another dimension on stage and opens up much more opportunities for the more unusual execution of the scene.

Theatre itself is a media packed performance and aims to provide to the audience a much more real and intimate performance that may be lost in the modern cinema. With the actors very much there right in front of your very eyes, and the complex arrangements and movements of props it is up to the respective directors to run a very tight ship and create a unforgettable moment to the audience. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The first social group that will be talked about is children. As is generally known, children are highly adaptable and innovative in their learning. This is why though we may reminisce of our simplistic childhood revolving around small things such as marbles, wooden yo-yo's and such things that are as far from technology as could be, it can hardly be denied that the sight of a three year old child poring over an ipad or a seven year old clinging to a game console is hardly a shocking sight anymore. Game consoles are a basic thing in a child's life as it serves nothing but entertainment and for an innocent worry-less chid what more could you want? Tablets such as ipads are also innovative enough for children to be able to easily manouver it without any hassle even if the first reason for inventing it may not have been for streaming Dora the Explorer.

Young Adults

Young adults, ranging from late teenagers to graduating college students especially in ever changing technology savvy environment are at the peak of their game. Anything that even suggests at being modern and the latest in technology is snapped up at a blinding rate. Mobile phones are frequently used of course as it serves as the main communication tool between each other whether for work or play. These are the ones that use the Internet media to its limit. The one who actually grew up along with the growing technology now had a very firm and confident hand on this media and knows very well how to use it and how to manipulate it. The latest and best gadgets is always craved and desired by this social group as it also gives the impression of the street cred that you have with this kind of possession. At this age things like the cool factor of these gadgets are still very much the top of the list priority.

White Collar

Since white collars spend a lot of their time in the office the main type of media that would be a necessity in most offices is a desktop computer or a laptop. Where things in the office are serious and mostly business related, this kind of media is the most suitable for this kind of environment. While in the old times things would have been recorded manually and on paper inside bulging cabinet files, now many company information are digitally stored for convenience and for space. The computers are also often wired and synchronized with each other so that content is controlled and maximised working environment is ensured. 


One of the few social groups that still rely very much on media that had been used for thousands of years. Paper and any coloured substance is the very tool that is used for the process of their work. Although digital painting is now a growing niche of the market, it still remains very much traditional in the way of the medium that is used to convey their messages across to the viewers of the particular paintings.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Different media forms

The radio

Media messages are carried by radio through the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves that are received by any radio device by a radio car or a portable radio device. 

picture source: http://www.photo-dictionary.com/photofiles/list/7780/10458vintage_radio.jpg

Print media

A medium that is used by printing information on various paper materials. These include newspapers, magazines, books and others. 

picture source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Magazines-mode-Copenhague.jpg

The television

A medium for transmitting and receiving moving images. This can either be in black and white images or coloured images. Usually audio is also a part of the medium.

picture source: http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/portland-city-guide-ga-4.jpg

Direct mail

When advertising material is delivered to recipients of any postal mail. This can include advertising circulars, coupon envelopes, catalogs and others. It can be received at any place where there is a mailbox, whether right at home or at the business offices. Some mail are delivered to a pre-selected few where some are delivered to a much wider area, for instance, particular neighbourhoods.

picture source: http://s1.favim.com/orig/24/flowers-mailbox-pink-Favim.com-217883.jpg


The internet is an ever-growing media in our generation. More and more advertisers are turning to the internet to post promotions on the net. These come in the forms of banner ads,  youtube ads, pop ups, and many more. Almost any piece of information can be found on the web if the the know-how if learned.

picture source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9kwQBZrMSbQ/TT3p5qrVZmI/AAAAAAAAAMc/1rKzEQBDv70/s640/tumblr_ldqyy9GXGC1qdsufko1_500_large.jpg


These come as roadsigns, big advertisement billboards, and even homemade signs. Can show information ranging from road conditions to the newest soda on the market. Comes in a variety of sizes and colours that fit the sign's required purpose.

picture source: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4v06q1TWe1rx5dkco3_1280.jpg


Mobile phones provide a platform for mobile phone content advertising. Promotions of mobile phone services, free ringtones, games and others are frequently received in the average mobile phone. Some businesses even mass-broadcast promotions to a mobile phone user after gaining their contact information from previous promotions.

picture source: http://s2.favim.com/orig/35/blackberry-cell-phone-celular-fotografia-louis-vuitton-Favim.com-286222.jpg

Fax machine

A device that can send or receive pictures or text over a telephone line. Used very often in offices or any business related environment.

picture source: http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a02/8r/f3/use-fax-machine-800x800.jpg

Sign Language

A language that uses manual communication and body language to communicate rather than the usual use of sound. Developed in the communities where there are deaf people and also can be use for people who can hear, but are mute.

picture source: http://lifeprint.com/asl101/images-layout/signlanguage1280x1024.jpg


A written or pictorial message written on a single piece of paper. No particular standard shape or format, can be modified to best fit the desired need. 

picture source: http://img.designswan.com/2010/11/Brochure/6.jpg

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